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knize-strachkvas · 1 year ago
poznatky z prvních dvou týdnů nového školního roku (kromě toho, že jsem velice připravena si to hodit ofc). chtěla jsem to napsat po prvním týdnu, ale byla jsem tak vyřízená, že jsem na to zapomněla a potom byla polovina druhého týdne a jelikož byl asi tak záživný jako ten první, tak jsem si řekla, že nebude na škodu když si počkám do pátku :)
moje asistentka pedagoga dala bez jakéhokoliv varování výpověď. první týden v září. za prvé) proč doprdele (o tomhle bych byla schopná napsat sáhodlouhou esej, ale neudělám to), za druhé) na třídu dvaceti tříletých dětí jsme teď s druhou učitelkou samy. což se dá zvládnout ke konci školního roku, ale ne když vám děti ze všech stran řvou, jedno každý ráno z toho stresu bleje, druhé odmítá mít zavřené dveře do šatny, třetí mluví pěti světovými jazyky (mezi kterými ofc není čeština) ale nedokáže si utřít samo nudli u nosu a další dostává záchvaty vzteku a odmítá cokoliv dělat. to co kouše další děti na potkání snad ani nestojí za zmínku.
s kolegyní teď obě jedeme ranní služby, aby jsme na to nebyly samy a aby si na nás ty děti zvykly. to znamená, že tam nikdo není na spaní a odpolední svačinu, jelikož by to normálně pokryla ta asistentka která vzala roha. takže s kolegyní přesluhujeme. to se dá přežít a děje se to celkem často. ale ten začátek roku je tak náročnej, že každá minuta navíc co strávíte v práci vám vysává život z těla. není to uplně hej a učitelky z ostatních tříd se nám snaží pomoct jak můžou, ale jejich třídy taky nejsou procházka růžovým sadem.
někteří rodiče jsou absolutně mimo realitu a vážně by se měli dotknout nějaké zelené travičky, jelikož jejich chování mi rozum nebere. někteří velmi rychle pochopili, že čím rychleji utečou, tím je to pro to dítě lepší, jelikož ani nemá šanci zaregistrovat, že tam ten rodič už není. jenže potom tam jsou jinačí experti, kteří tam jsou pečení vaření až do oběda a to dítě jim tam málem vyfluše plíce, jelikož je absolutně vyděšený z toho, že ten rodič odejde. a čím dýl tam ten rodič je, a prodlužuje to, tím je to pro to dítě (i pro toho rodiče) horší. většina dětí se potom, co jim rodič odejde velice rychle uklidní a začne si (někdy s menší asistencí) hezky hrát. je to jako náplast.
tento týden jsme měli třídní schůzky. libový jak párek, to vám povídám. netuším, jak mě ti rodiče můžou brát vážně a dobrovolně mi dát své děti. no ale co... nikdo nic nenamítal, takže asi hej. větší zábava byla, když jsem se tam potom, co odešli rodiče, málem zhroutila, jelikož jsem toho už měla dost a moje tělo je močka a řeklo si, že už ho to nebaví a prostě z ničeho nic přestalo fungovat. bylo mi zakázáno odjet domů samotné a na část cesty jsem měla doprovod. řekněme, že jsem ráda že jsem se dostala domů. den na to jsem z práce odjela v mých star wars bačkůrkách. na mojí obranu jsem přesluhovala a jedno dítě dostalo záchvat vzteku a odmítlo se převléct z pyžamka (to zní jako banální problém, ale ve stejnou dobu je tak tak dalších deset velice zmatených dětí co vyžaduje vaší asistenci). nebyl to dobrý den.
nedokážu si představit že bych tohle měla zažívat ve školce, kde se vám všechny vaše kolegyně (kromě již zmíněné asistentky) nesnaží vyjít co nejvíce vstříc a kde bych si na ty děti (a rodiče) nemohla velice otevřeně zanadávat. malá to vítězství. naše nejčastější pozdrav je zamumlané, "já se z toho už asi poseru." nebo "už aby byl pátek. nebo lépe - červen."
bonus: zpráva od mé babičky (bývalé učitelky na střední škole) poté, co jsem si stěžovala že děti stále brečí. netuším co se tím snaží naznačit (a jako ano, uklidní se. ale za cenu mého psychického zdraví)
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besedar · 3 months ago
beseda dne: gorostasen (velikanski; nemogoč, neverjeten, strašen)
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mocacheezy · 2 years ago
Watching gaming youtube in slovene is so weird because my childhood was English Content exclusive. I've been watching english let's plays for 12 years, and now I'm over here cracking the fuck up at my own language.
Svojega lastnega jezika ne morem jemat resno, računalniške igre in slovenski jezik, moji možgani ne morejo povezat tega. Gledam fnaf zaradi ljube nostalgije in crkujem tuki od komentiranja.
Biti tetka ima svoje pluse, med drugim to da mi nečaki pošljejo youtuberje ob katerih se režim tok da crknem. Zaradi pravilne slovenščine CRKUJEM TUKI XDDD
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miss-howletts · 2 months ago
★彡[Wᴘɪs Pᴏʀᴀɴɴʏ]彡★
To ostatni z wpisów przed-świątecznych bo jutro od rana jak znam życie, nie będzie można dupy na 5 minut posadzić. Wstawiam go też wcześnie rano bo zaraz cały dzień będę zapierdzielać jak mały samochodzik. Zatem na początek pozwólcie, że zaszczycę was moim pierdo-lamento a dopiero na końcu złożę życzenia 🩷
No generalnie kochani...jest ch*jowo. Przytyłam do 94kg. Bo przez ostatnie dni to wp*erdalałam. A przecież tak dobrze szło, a rozpuściłam się jak bicz dziadowski. Dzisiaj od rana zaczęłam coś na styl f@sta bo w sumie to tylko kilka madarynek zjadłam. Jutro do Wigilii czyli tak do 18:00 dopóki nie usiądziemy też będę f@stować na mandarynkach. Dziwne, bo po tym eksperymencie tylko na chwilę mi obrzydły a teraz znowu wp*erdalam. Na Wigilii planuję zjeść tylko barszcz ale to ze zwględu na to, że to chyba będzie jedyna potrawa, którą serio lubię. Bo moja mama wymyśliła sobie "eksperymenty" i nie będzie 12 potraw tylko 6 max (co jest dobre akurat moim zdaniem) i jak na razie w planach jest: barszcz, ryba, śledź, makowiec, rolada (ciasto w sensie) jarzynowa i pierogi. I generalnie zjadłabym tylko barszcz i pierogi ale mama wymyśliła, że zrobi je inne czyli coś na wzór ciasta francuskiego z farszem grzybowym i głęboko usmażonym. Także no...zjem tylko barszcz (tak, nie lubię jarzynowej przez pewien incydent kiedyś ale to opowiem innym razem). Ukrywać się nie muszę czy kombinować bo well...jestem pełnoletnia i wyjebane mają na moje nawyki żywieniowe i każdy wie, że ja dla siebie gotuję so... Nice.
Przez to żarcie i non-stop binge pogorszyła mi się cera. Tyle syfów mi nawyskakiwało jakbym była przed okresem. Nie wiem jak ja to makijażem przykryję. Dobrze że z chłopem się nie widzę bo wyjeżdża do rodziny na święta, bo chyba by się biedny przestraszył. Zaniedbałam swój kcal tracker ale niedługo i tak zrobię sobie jakiś nowy. O! Możecie zagłosować w ankiecie just for fun - kogo mam do trackera na styczeń 2025 jako motyw przewodni wrzucić (będzie matching z profilowym)
Hugh Jackman:
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Yes I'm a totall Jackman slut im sorry... (not)
No a teraz życzenia!
Kochani moi 🩷 Znamy się już trochę i ja jestem kobieta prosta w słowach i moje życzenia też będą proste: Żeby te święta były spokojne, bo naprawdę spokój cenniejszy jest od złota. Oczywiście aby wam się nie przytyło, a nawet jeśli troszkę to się nie załamujcie bo przecież jeszcze tyle czasu przed wami i szybko to zrzucicie 🩷 Jeśli czekacie na prezent - niech gwiazdka przyniesie wam ten wymarzony. Żeby przy stole nie było rozmowy o polityce, nikt się nie naj*bał w 3 szpadle a ciotka nie zadawała durnych pytań.
Wesołych i Chudych Świąt i jak Najgrubszego portfela w 2025r 🩷
- Miss Hoe Howlett 🩷
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(Christmas Jackman)
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targarrus · 1 year ago
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joker out - metulji
ne spiva mirno od kar metulji so odšli čakava tiho da se nekaj dogodi plavajo sanje nosijo ure najine naj mi jih vrne ta ki jih ukradel je
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sneg-v-avgustu · 25 days ago
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"Danes je mulac napolnil 25 let. Tu ga še kitara ni zanimala, je pa že imel pravo pozo!
Naj te roza krilca držijo še mnogo časa Kris Gustin in vse naj"
(photo from Gušti's fb page)
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averagez · 3 months ago
Fantje, od danes naprej bomo pravilno sklanjali.
Ja, ja, vem. "Z, saj znam sklanjati. Že od nekdaj. V osnovni šoli smo se učili." Ne se niste! Zato glej in se uči:
Imenovalnik (kdo ali kaj): tale se pojavi v vsakem drugem stavku. Zakaj ne v vsakem? Ker obstaja cel kup stavkov z osebno glagolsko obliko, pri katerih ni nobenega imenovalnika. Pa tudi včasih ga nadomesti kakšen drug sklon. Vezljivost pa to.
Rodilnik (koga ali česa): ta se uporablja v zanikanih stavkih. To vključuje, a ni omejeno na "tega pa ne vem" in "nočem ga videti." Ne uporablja pa se v vsakem zanikanem stavku. V primerih, kjer imamo predloge, predlogi prevladajo ("Nismo v hiši"). V primeru kakšne čudne vezljivosti in povedkovih določil se uporabljajo tudi drugi skloni, npr. imenovalnik ("To ni avto") in dajalnik ("Nisem mu verjel."). Ampak s tem se ne ukvarjajmo preveč. Zaenkrat rodilnik uporabljajmo v zanikanih povedih ("Še vedno ni snega"), desnih neujemalnih prilastkih ("Dobil sem avtogram njega samega") in partitivnih genetivih ("On je eden tistih ljudi" namesto "On je eden IZMED tistih ljudi").
Dajalnik (komu ali čemu): uporablja se z glagoli, ki se vežejo z dajalnikom. Na primer dati, pomagati, pomahati, težiti... Zagotovo pa se NE veže s kar vsemi predlogi! ("O temu" je obupno narobe! Zato ne govorimo tega!) Hiter kratek nepopoln seznam predlogov s katerimi pa se dajalnik veže: kljub, navkljub. Za tidve besedi v resnici sploh ne vem, če sta res predloga ali sta veznika. Glede na to, da vplivata na samostalnik, ju imamo najbrž za predloga. Kar je res zanimivo pri dajalniku, je takoimenovani dativ posestnika ("Kako TI je ime?" namesto "Katero ime imaš?" in "Kaj ti je?" namesto "Kaj (v smislu "katero psihično bolezen" lol) imaš?"). V mojem srcu bo stavek "kaj ti je" vedno imel posebno mesto zaradi te nenavadne rabe dajalnika.
Tožilnik (koga ali kaj): večinoma vezljivost z določenimi glagoli in predlogi. Ker pa smo fensi, uporabljamo tudi AcI ali "tožilnik z nedoločnikom" - kadar imamo poved z besedo "da" (v smislu "rekel je da," "hotel je da," "mislil je da...") lahko osebek odvisnega stavka postavimo v tožilnik, povedek pa v nedoločnik. Vse ostalo ostane isto.
Mestnik (o kom ali o čem): vezljiv z ogromno predlogi, ki jih nekateri vežejo z dajalnikom. Mi pa bomo pravilno uporabljali mestnik. Ti predlogi vključujejo: o, v, pri, ob...
Orodnik (s kom ali s čim): vezljiv s še več predlogi, ki se še pogosteje mešajo z dajalnikom. Ti predlogi so: s/z, pred, med, nad, pod...
To je to. Niti latinščina niti grščina nimata mestnika in orodnika, zato ju ne bomo potrebovali za konstrukcije, je pa lepo vedeti, da se pogosto narobe vprašamo, ker lahko le tako te hude napake odpravimo. Kadar smo v dvomih, predlagam, da si pomagamo z neko besedo, za katero poznamo mestnik in orodnik, in to besedo postavimo za predlog. Za naravne govorce naj bi to bilo enostavno. Ne smemo pa uporabiti zaimkov (ker zanje načeloma nimamo pojma in se ravno zaradi njih sprašujemo).
Večina glagolov se veže z več skloni, glede na to katero informacijo želimo podati (NEKOMU dam NEKAJ). Obstajajo pa tudi glagoli, ki se z istim sklonom (tožilnikom) vežejo dvakrat (NEKOGA naučim NEKAJ).
Predlogi se lahko vežejo z več skloni, navadno tožilnik nakazuje smer (pred grad), mestnik pa kraj (pred gradom).
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year ago
Synopsis: Angst BoKris Fanfic inspired by Metulji. We follow Bojan, who is trying to fall asleep, alone, missing his "beloved" more than ever.
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
Sensible topics implied: Anxiety
Author's note: I started crying when I wrote this at midnight :') It had never happened to me in a fanfic. I recommend reading it at night for extra pain.
Laying down the half-empty bed, he gripped onto the sheets.
He was alone in that dark blue night. The light that came out of windows was barely enough to see his own hand grip.
The smell, the voice, the silhouette of his beloved had left him. The sheets felt colder than ever. His tears had now replaced the bright smile he enjoyed so much.
He missed touching those curls, tangling his fingers as he kissed his beloved.
But the butterflies were all gone.
He wanted to reach out for a hand that wasn't there. He wanted to cry but he couldn't drown. He just wanted to rest and take one last breath.
It was exhausting. It was terrifying.
"Bojan?" A voice so familiar to him resonated in his mind. He knew it wasn't real.
- Bojan. - he opened his eyes to a bright orange environment.
Next to him, Kris was concerned. Bojan was gripping onto his sweater.
- Having a nightmare?
- Are you real? - the famously brave singer was scared, terrified about the idea of all of this being an illusion.
- Of course.
- Am I dreaming?
- Well, I'm flattered I'm a piece of your dreams. - Kris smiled.
The smile Bojan missed so much.
The light stand allowed him to see Kris' face and body as Bojan traced them with his fingers. Then, he moved his hand to his hair.
The butterflies were all over Bojan's stomach making him more excited than ever, but also anxious...
- I love you. - Bojan said.
Without a single word, Kris scooted closer holding him in an embrace.
Bojan gave in and let himself be hugged as Kris pat him on the head.
- I love you too. - Bojan felt a tear of Kris' eyes fall on his hair.
Bojan didn't want to cry. He wanted to be the strong one. He wanted to stay in that embrace forever...He wanted to stay with his beloved.
- Začutim te - "I feel you" - Vsakič, ko se spremeniš - "Every time you change".
Kris softly sang a song familiar to both of them...
-  Slišim vsakič, ko mi nekej zamolčiš - "I hear you every time you keep something from me" - Solze so nadomestile tvoj nasmeh - "The tears replaced your smile".
Kris took a deep breath before continuing and that breath helped Bojan calm down.
- Ne svetijo se ti več kodri v laseh - "There are no more luscious hair curls in you" - Ne spiva mirno, odkar metulji so odšli - "We don't sleep calming since the butterflies left".
Bojan wanted to stay strong, but that was only a want.
- Čakava tiho, da se nekej dogodi - "We are quietly waiting for something to happen" - Plavajo sanje, nosijo ure najine - "The dreams float, carrying our hours" - Naj mi jih vrne, ta ki jih ukradel je - "The one who stole them may never give them back to me".
He started crying hard, gripping onto Kris stronger than he had ever. The feeling of that familiar sweater was the only thing that helped him find his ground.
- Za roko te držim - "I'm holding your hand" - A se ne dotikava - "But we aren't touching"
Bojan felt a hand trying to grip his.
- Utapljajo se oči - "The eyes drown" - A ne jokava - "But we aren't crying"
Kris described all those contradictions...
- Za roko te držim - All those lines Bojan knew too well - A se ne dotikava.
All those lines he wrote.
- Pleševa zadnji ples - "We are dancing our last dance" - Da spet zadihava - "So that we can breath again".
Bojan finally did the thing he was terrified to do...He tried to remember the familiar smell of his beloved and when he did.
He opened his eyes.
- Prepih v temi, počiva v moji postelji - "Draught in the dark, it rests in my head" - Ko me objame se mi v glavi zavrti - "When it embraces me the world keeps spinning".
Bojan was alone in the dark blue room. Back to square one.
- Obrnem se na tvojo stran - "I turn to your side" - A komaj vidim tvoj obris - "But I can barely see your face".
But Kris' voice kept resonating in his mind as if the universe was mocking him.
-Z' mojе obleke, se zgubil je tvoj odtis - "Your traces are gone from my clothes".
- I KNOW! - Bojan yelled.
Sobbing out loud. Louder than he had ever in his life.
He started taking it all out on the pillow. He was done being mocked. He wanted to forget everything. He wanted to destroy everything. He wanted...
He wanted to re-live everything. He wanted to rebuild everything.
If there really was a God, did it want to see him suffer? Did it want Bojan to feel as if he was dying? How much suffering did it want to inflict on him?
His heart was about to explode as if he had run a whole marathon.
He tried to remember that calm breath that helped him so many times.
And as his heart calmed down...
- God... - he looked at the pillow - I loved you so fucking much. More than anyone could.
He finally let himself rest on said pillow as he collapsed from exhaustion.
"When did the butterflies leave us?"
Afternote: A dream within a dream, yay! I love writing dreams and nightmares (Ask my scriptwriting teacher, that's what I'm best at). So...don't ask me what happened to Kris. I don't know. But something broke these two apart.
Polaroid Photos Universe | Recommended next: THE SHADE
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vertenav · 5 days ago
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ atsujay﹒(at-su-jay) ⸝⸝ atsumu miya + mj
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THINK! hiking, working out tgt, anything but sitting still (most of the time), foodies, high-school sweethearts, just-because flowers, Kendrick Lamar, frequent outings, "you paid last time, it’s my turn" (fair paying), black cat &. golden retriever, first time for everything, "where’s [the other]?", "you guys are alwaaaays together, don’t you get sick of each other?" "no", giggling late at night, snuggled up in the sheets, clingy &. clingy, smartie pants &. smartie-er pants, mutual comfort person, they’re married to each other in their heads, etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ naj﹒(na-je) ⸝⸝ nagi seishiro + mj
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THINK! nap dates, chronic sleepyheads, can’t find ‘em? at their consoles or in bed, low effort dates, he stole the Lego box.. just sat there and looked pretty, matching pjs, made him buy a pc so we could play even more games tgt, worships the ground she walks on, "she’s a little weird, but that’s my girl", "atta girl" when finally completing something, she takes care of him but he doesn’t take it for granted, three taps wherever to signal "I love you", little surprises of each others favorite things, late nights in, etc etc etc
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ olijay﹒(oli-jay) ⸝⸝ oliver aiku + mj
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THINK! riiiiiich as shit, power couple, always on vacation, sugar mama &. sugar baby (LMFAOOO TY KAI), his financial advisor fr, spoils the shit out of him, fancy nights out, usually dressed up, she dresses him, frequent nights out with drinking (responsibly ofc), think that one tiktok trend "a boy who’s jacked and kind" where the guy lifts the girl up no problem onto his shoulder, her personal trainer x his employer, womanizer turned into a loyal ass man, came for a good time lowk stayed for the money, but fell in love HARD and FAST, he doesn’t even KNOW what the bills look like and couldn’t even begin to imagine, lowk a romantic when he tries, HE gets the princess treatment, he’s the passenger princess, she’s whippin that mf car and holding his hand, wearing his jersey at his games, screaming louder than anyone else, when he wins he runs up and gives her the fattest kiss and nearly drags her out of the stands, all brawn no brains outside of soccer, etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ min﹒(self explanatory id hope) ⸝⸝ rin itoshi + mj
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THINK! plays soccer together for fun, sometimes he lets her win, you’ve never tied your shoe, grabbed your bag, opened the door, etc etc etc since you guys have started dating, always has spare shoes and clothes in his car for you, she’s clingy, he lets it happen, the second he said yes, kiss your personal space gooooodbye rin, he is absolutely whipped, isn’t used to all these feelings so he’s super blunt and confused, ms giggle shits over here, he’s never smiled as much as he has with her, big brothers best friend troupe, matching jewelry is a must, side walk rule unintentionally "why would I ever let you walk near the street r u dumb", dry texter &. hype ass texter with a bunch of emojis, also wearing his jersey, his number on her cheek, makes embarrassing posters for him at games, he dedicates goals to her by pointing afterward, he’s insecure but she soothes everything he’s ever been insecure about, and the other way around, he’ll kiss her insecurities and say how much he loves them, he doesn’t understand how much that short-circuits your brain, he’s UNIMAGINABLY TICKLISH and unfortunately she isn’t, you can see how that goes.. LMFAO, etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ saejay﹒(sae-jay) ⸝⸝ sae itoshi + mj
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THINK! princess treatment, she doesn’t know how much money is in her bank account because of how much she doesn’t touch it, he insists, promise rings were his idea, unserious x serious, next door neighbor, at first she was the only one uninterested in him and his genius-ness, ominous ass texter like wtf, she can be herself around him, therefore usually loud x quiet, MATCHING OUTFITS ASF, he looks like he’s the one being dragged around when we go out, but he’s actually the one who suggested it, she got his jersey number on her nails (real story) that he pays for, puts his initials on it too, literally one of the biggest gentlemen you’ll ever meet but that’s only dedicated to her, mean to everyone else but her, whenever she cries it makes him want to cry, each others safe person, she fell in love sooooo much harder when she heard his laugh for the first time, cocky x cocky, matching luxury things she’s never even heard of, did a blind pick for cologne/perfume for each other (she picked his but he didn’t know what it was until she showed him, vice versa), literally fell in love with the scents and they were right on the head of the nail and wear it 24/7, she pranks him a lot and he goes along with it, she can’t tell when he’s joking or being serious sometimes, she’ll be the one to fake proposed over and over again, calls her pretty girl, he’s reeeeallllyyyyy good at accents and she loooooves to be sweet talked in them, after long days or a loss he’ll go straight to her for comfort and she’ll rub and/or scratch his back and hug him, anything he needs, she’ll cook and bake for him and he taste tests, big flirt x gets flustered (literally interchangeable), he FIIIIGHTS for his life on the team because of you and will also literally lay his career on the line if she can’t travel with them for games. LMFAOO etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ misa﹒(mee-sa) ⸝⸝ isagi yoichi + mj
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THINK! thighs and thighs for days (on both parties 🙂‍↕️), dumb x dumber, "love ive been hiding something from you" "what is it?" "im actually spider man." "no way?? me too…", silly ass mfs, always giggling, locked tf in, self care nights OFTEN, they’re always listening to music together, shared headphones, literally the most innocently intimate mfs everrrr, he’ll gesture kisses to her when she’s in the crowd screaming his name louder than anyoneee, each others biggest fans, will feed into each others delusions, "hey babe" "yes ml?" "you think my crush likes me?" "hmm hard to tell with your stubbornness" he’ll feign the most dramatic gasp ever, drama king x drama queen, he shows her off any chance he gets, you’d think he’d get tired of her but nooope neverrr he is madly in love and literally has her in his phone as mrs isagi, he will NAWT shut uppppp about her like his team probably knows everything about you, no one can truly understand him without knowing about her, pet names pet names pet names, so so so affectionate, so attentive, so caring, nothing goes unnoticed on both parties, very open and good with communication, he loves the way she sticks her tongue out when she’s concentrated, sometimes he’ll grab it LMFAOO, they’ve never had an actual serious argument, just playful ones, he looooves when she scratches his back or massages him, he falls asleep when she does either within an instant, first time flat owners together and it’s the most precious thing ever, etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ muska ﹒(muh-sk-uh) ⸝⸝ sakusa kiyoomi + mj
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THINK! nerds af, academic rivals that kiss kiss fall in love, both lowk germaphobes, he learned how to do the kind of nails she liked so they can both bond over it and she’ll save money, quality time, he secretly taught himself how to take pictures so she had good pictures to post and got to see herself the way he did, she’s constantly fatigued, without asking, he’ll pick her up in any way without a problem, bridal style, on his back, just under your knee so you’re sitting on his arm almost, etc, hopeless romantic, he yearns for her, in fact he’d do absolutely anything for her, his days shine the brightest when she’s around, sun x moon, serious x serious, people wonder how they work together but oh boy do we WORK, fuck the idea of soulmates, we love each other on purpose, yapper x listener, snarky x snarky, she kisses his moles all the time no matter where they are on his body, he does the same but with her freckles, etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ mukuna﹒(mu-ku-na) ⸝⸝ sukuna ryomen + mj
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THINK! she calls him a nonchalant dread head all the time and he’ll just go "wtaf is that" or "do I look like a dread head", he looks like he’s being held at gun point when they’re hanging out, but again, he probably suggested it, he will laugh at how weak she seems then get his ass lowk whooped only to excuse it with "oh I let you win don’t even" type shit, he seems not interested at all at a glance, but he is sooo in love with her just look at his eyes, pupils are basically in the shape of hearts, pretty private relationship, hence the lack of faces, for both sides, matching necklaces with initials, he lets her do his makeup and hair (begrudgingly), she entered his life at one point and never really left, she asked him out first, cocky x humble and shy, loves to mess with him, she loves shopping with him just to dress him up, she likes to work up him and he gives plays into it, he’s like putty in her hands in an INSTANT, grumpy x sunshine, he wouldn’t want anyone else, and he wouldn’t want his life to change whatsoever, was never a marriage guy or a serious relationship person until she came around, will man handle her (innocently) because she started it, super protective of her, etc etc etc.
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𓂃˖ ࣪⊹ midou﹒(mee-dou) ⸝⸝ shidou ryusei + mj
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THINK! she taught him how to drive a motorcycle and he LOOOOVES it, posed with her bike when she was in a shop and when she walked out he thinks he might’ve fell in love at first sight, loves his jokes and odd freakiness more than she lets on, adrenaline junkies together, absolute chaos, "I’ll do it if you do it" "fuck yea", he’s super rough with her sometimes and feels really bad until she’s just as rough if not more, bad financial decisions but they’re stupid rich so it’s okay, got matching motocycles and helmets, nice ass promise rings they surprised each other with, literally the epitome of matching each others energy, never a dull moment, also dumb x dumber, to tell the truth, the real reason he fell so hard in love with her was because how unrelentingly kind she was to him and how pretty her smile was despite how he came off when they first met, the night they met, she offered to take him on a ride, he was her backpack yup yup yup and to tell the truth, he still absolutely loves being her backpack because he gets to slither his arms around her waist that he loves oh so dearly, she is his number one supporter and that makes him even freakier when it comes to soccer, his teammates couldn’t believe it, was ready to drop down on one knee right then and there when she showed up to a game in his jersey with hair dyed exactly like his, he hasn’t functioned the same since, he lowk loves when she wears tighter clothes because he knows how confident it makes her and he absolutely becomes her number one hype man, etc etc etc
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tooboredtothinkofaname · 1 month ago
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O, Triglavu, božestvo s tremi glavami, varuhu treh svetov, Tvoj kip zastren, skrivnosten in mogočen, Tvoja prisotnost se razteza preko meja časa in prostora, Si simbol trojnosti in mnogosti v enem.
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Nebo, zemlja in Navja odražajo tvojo dediščino, Tvoja moč je mogočna, tvoj vpliv globok kot korenine dreves, Sprejmi naše časti, o Triglavu, v ponižnosti in spoštovanju, Tvoja modrost naj nas vodi, tvoja moč nas obdaja.
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Črn konj in sveti hrast, znaki tvoje prisotnosti, Preroki prerokovanja po tvoji volji in moči, O, Triglavu, sprejmi naše molitve, naše skromne geste, Tvoje bivanje naj usmerja naše poti, v sijaju tvojih treh glav.
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knize-strachkvas · 8 months ago
o víkendu jsem s dědečkem byla v rudilfinu na koncertu filharmonie. a samozřejmě jsme si o přestávce dali trochu toho sektu. no ale přestávka byla krátká, fronta byla dlouhá, a sklenička na víno byla velká. problém je v tom, že reakce mého těla na alkohol je okamžitá. moje hladinka je na tom velmi špatně. a jelikož jsem do sebe těch několik deci vína doslova hodila, tak netrvalo dlouho a vše jsem viděla dvojmo. řeknu vám, druhá polovina koncertu byl asi největší haluz co jsem kdy zažila. celou dobu jsem byla v takovým divným transu a ta hudba mi doslova procházela tělem. nejlepší část byla, když všechny smyčce hrály najednou a já jsem před sebou viděla asi tak 50 synchronizovaných létajících zápěstí. a trianglové sólo bylo taky hodne najs. celkově bych zážitku dala 10 z 10.
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besedar · 30 days ago
beseda dne: tirada (dolg, vznesen, vsebinsko prazen samogovor)
etimologija: Prek nemščine iz francoščine — tirade iz tirer, vleči, čeprav "razvlečeno"¹ mogoče ni nujno zvesta interpretacija².
¹Ta etimologija je po Snoju. Sicer se mi zdi bolj smiselna kot ta, ki jo implicira angleški vikšneri, ko navede "streljati" kot prevod od tirer. Tirer seveda lahko pomeni tudi streljati, potem bi bila najbrž implikacija, da gre pri tiradi za rafal besed, kot poznamo izraz tudi mi. Samo ne vem. Kot vir vikšinerijevci navajajo cnrtl (Centre national de ressources textuelles et lexicales), kjer te iste implikacije v predelku z etimologijo jaz ne najdem. Meni se zdi, da tudi ti, enako kot Snoj, dosti bolj vlečejo (heh) v smer pomena "vleči" za etimologijo tirade. No, povem vam vseeno oboje, da se lahko odločite sami.
²Zakaj torej ne "razvlečeno", če gre za dolg govor? Zaradi sosledja zabeležene rabe na cnrtl-ju (mislim, če ga pravilno berem/razumem, za kar je šans bolj malo). Kot načeloma piše tam, bi se morda pomen razvil bolj: (tale mogoče še ne spada zraven, ampak eden najzgodnejših pomenov tam je, da nekaj narediš v enem "zamahu", torej brez ustavljanja ->) besedilo, ki se drži ene same ideje -> samogovor, ki ga ima dramski lik, ne da bi ga kdo vmes prekinil.
Potem jaz pristavljam mini teorijo, namreč da se iz tega slednjega pomen še razširi na področja izven gledališča, torej daljši samogovori na eno temo, načeloma neprekinjeni. Lahko mi poveste, če se vam teorija zdi bebava ali če se vam zdi po drugi strani tako samoumevna, da vam je neumno, da vas sploh sprašujem. Samo res se zelo trudim podajati čim manj nepodprtih teorij kot dejstva. Saj ne, da imajo pa etimološki slovarji, ki jih navajam kot vire, vedno prav ...
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mocacheezy · 7 months ago
*pridem na UE Tobačna z kolegico*
*dobim čakalno številko*
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*čakava 2 uri, anticipation rising*
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*pridem pred okence, vesela, nasmejana, po 3 mesecih bom končno uredila dokumente in pridobila potrdilo za letalsko karto*
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Gospa za okencem: *dobre volje, gleda najemno pogodbo in se ustavi* "... ali podjetje ne posluje z žigom? Čigav podpis je to?"
*ugotoviva da ne moreva storiti ničesar, ker je najemna pogodba nepopolna, in zato ne more vpisati podatkov ter jih preveriti ob prijavi stalnega prebivališča*
Jaz, ki se zavedam da po več kot 3 mesecih čakanja in poskušanja in preobratov mentalnega zdravja še vedno nisem dosegla cilja:
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Gospa: "Oprostite, z veseljem bi, lahko razumete z moje strani zakaj ne morem-"
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Jaz, napol v joku: "Razumem, razumem, saj niste nič krivi če pač manjka informacija." *poskušam poklicati lastnika, se ne javi*
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Gospa: "Imate še čas, potrebujete samo pisno potrdilo lastnika, čez 10 minut lahko pridete nazaj in bova vse uredili."
*razložim da najverjetneje ne bo uspelo pridobiti podpisa tako hitro*
Gospa: *mi pove da lahko vloge in vse izpolnimo, poskeniramo in naj ji pošljem na njen email naslov. Poudari katere stvari so nujno potrebne in se jih ne sme izpustiti*
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Skozi solze in bolečino mi je vsaj nekaj upanja v človeštvo povrnjenega.
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praziluk · 6 months ago
Piše na discordu da ti je rodjendan, srećan rođendan 🧁🌷
naj hvala!!!
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losazaego · 2 years ago
Nežni pogledi, nežne reči. Sve je počelo naj naj naj. Sve je bilo kao u filmu, samo grub je bio kraj.
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80s-reject · 1 year ago
bacam se s litice (igram u predstavi i glumim scenu sa damjanovim naj frendom I MORAMO SE ZAGRLIT naci neeee ajmee euzas je, al aj i njemu ja neugodno pa nisam jedina al ipak neeee omg)
pa dobrooo zagrljaj nije bas toliko velika stvar budi sretna da se ne morate ljubit ko bi to izdrzo
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